
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Common Core Lens: Core Out Your Informational Text

Yesterday, I presented at our statewide School Librarian Conference in Syracuse, NY. 

Our acronyms are SSL/NYLA.  Section of School Librarians/New York Library Association.  

I introduced a new web-based evaluation tool that we developed with an IMLS grant. 
(IMLS – Institute of Museum and Library Services).
Common Core Len (CCL) is a new web-based evaluation tool to evaluate and identify how a piece of informational text/nonfiction will work with the Common Core Learning Standards. It helps you identify the deeper meaning of informational text/nonfiction and gain insight into how the qualitative measures, quantitative measures and considerations for reader and task as identified in Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards work in concert to establish the educational value of informational text/nonfiction. 

CCL provides an opportunity for anyone – a librarian, a publisher, a teacher, or a student to put nonfiction through a rigorous electronic evaluation. 

Take a few moments register and evaluate some nonfiction.   
One tip when using CCL. -Don’t forget you can “mouse over” any of the check box choices  to see a definition of that word or phrase.




  1. I don't see any way to register. Can anyone register? It says "register or log in" but there's no link to a registration form.

  2. Annette,
    Go to:
    In the center log-in area - you will see Username/Password then a button that says "Log In" under this is a button that says "Forgot Password" and then a button which says "Register Here" Click on the "Register Here" button. This where you can register and use the lens. Right now we are trying to add as many books as possible so feel free to put a book through the evaluation if you email me at I can send you several handouts on using the lens.
    Thanks Sue Bartle
